Kidney Stones: Risks and Consequences and masturbation effects on kidney
Knowing the most frequent complications that kidney stones produce is essential, since improper treatment can impair the functioning of the kidneys, making it more difficult for the toxins that our own body produces to filter out.
The Dr. Henry Toloza, Davila Clinic urologist explains that “if a patient has renal colic means you are removing a calculation that is blocking one or both kidneys. If both are compromised, it corresponds to a urological emergency, since the patient can quickly present kidney failure with the consequences that it entails ”.
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Likewise, it indicates that “if the obstruction is unilateral, it is very possible that the other kidney can supply the function of the organ that is compromised and the patient can continue urinating, but the permanent obstruction of one kidney for a few weeks will generate a deterioration in the compromised kidney function that can become irreversible. Another complication that is generated with the obstruction of a kidney, is the greater probability of developing a urinary infection that in this context could quickly trigger a septic picture ”.
In addition, it clarifies that “everything mentioned above is in the context of obstructive stones at the ureteral level, but in the case of staghorn stones (coral-shaped kidney stones) these are usually colonized with bacteria, generating a chronic inflammatory process of the kidney. that slowly deteriorates its function until it generates its exclusion or a serious infectious picture ”.
It also specifies that “in the context of complicated lithiasis associated with urinary infection or causing kidney failure, this accumulation of toxins can rapidly compromise liver, circulatory and finally neurological function, putting the patient’s life at risk”.
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Diseases related to kidney stones
Dr. Toloza, points out that there are multiple pathologies that are associated with the formation of stones. Among them, the most frequent are:
Intestinal disease : fluid loss or chronic diarrhea can alter urinary pH, disrupting the balance in the urine. This increases the chance of formation of uric acid stones, calcium stones, and even struvite (type of mineral) stones.
Diabetes: the mechanisms by which this disease increases the incidence of urolithiasis are varied, ranging from modification of the gastrointestinal epithelium to immunosuppression that increases the risk of urinary infections and subsequent appearance of struvite stones.
Obesity: people with a BMI greater than 30, excrete more oxalate, uric acid, sodium and phosphate. All of these changes greatly increase the risk of kidney stone formation.
Gout: many times the diagnosis of this disease is made by relating it to the formation of recurrent uric acid stones.
Hyperparathyroidism : the disease that affects this gland generates sufficient alterations in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium for the formation of stones with this composition.
Prevention measures
As a way to prevent the appearance of kidney stones, the specialist recommends the following measures:
Control of chronic diseases : chronic diseases such as hypertension, obesity, gout, hyperparathyroidism, among others, generate favorable conditions for the formation of stones .
Increased fluid intake : the formation of lithiasis occurs because the crystals eliminated in the urine fail to dissolve in the proper amount. The type and amount of recommended liquid are variable, obviously water is better because it does not have associated sugars, nor does it generate another type of unwanted contribution.
Reduce salt intake . High salt intake increases the appearance of kidney stones.
Maintain a diet low in protein of animal origin : the exaggerated consumption of proteins, especially in patients who suffer alterations in the management of uric acid, favors the production of lithiasis.
Dr. Toloza affirms that these recommendations are general and that it is always necessary to carry out a thorough metabolic study for each patient suffering from kidney stones.
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For more information about this pathology you can review the article: Kidney stones: what are they and how can they be treated
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